The future has landed
And there are no hoverboards or flying cars.
Just robots. Lots of mother flipping robots.

Designing a robot from scratch:
The SumoBot project is aimed to instruct new and experienced hobbiest
Beginers and experienced hobbyist will learn the fundamentals of creating a device from scratch. The aim of the first week is to set the mindset of members into one focused on creating devices that can't be commercially bought. Only the parts to make a whole can.
The following weeks, members will be challenged to learn the basics of coding, circuitry, and 3D model parts. Then advance into Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Robotics, and Automation.
Training in the Clouds:
Members get the opportunity to expand into the AWS of machine learning.
Race with us as we venture into the virtual training environment hosted by Amazon Web Services. The DeepRacer will learn by itself like a baby learning to run. It will begin to crawl, and fail, begin to walk, and fail, until one day it learned to run perfectly. Like the parent, coders only watch as the machine runs around the environment and help the baby get up.
Communicate with us through discord!
Talk about almost anything and control what notifications you want or don't want. Topics ranging from social to gaming are available! Don't forget about the club stuff!
Lending a hand to our community whenever they need it
When staring the IEEE RAS branch, members knew that giving back to the community had to be at the core. We first started in volunteering with UrbanImpact life in their Cardboard Challenge. As well as volunteering in the 'Day of the Dead' festival. The beginning of the 2020 we were ambitious and gathered more members to volunteer in community.
One of the events being RoboSlam. All volunteer work done in the club has been tied to what we believe connects us better. Cardboard challenge allowed kids to build what the want in a city. The Day of the dead festival is connecting our hispanic members with their culture. RobotSlam has been a thrill to volunteer into what we do ourselves, build robots and compete against each other.